Why Does Howie Scream Daniel

The Horrific Sacrifice in "The Wicker Man"

Howie's Scream: A Loss of Faith

In the original cut of the film "The Wicker Man," Inspector Howie screams "Jesus Christ" several times. This outburst is interpreted as a sign of Howie's doubts about his resurrection, despite his earlier claims of belief. His screams may reflect a realization that his sacrifice will not bring him redemption.

The Curse and the Prayer

As the film reaches its climax, Howie pronounces a curse on the island's inhabitants, condemning them to "the vengeance of God." However, he then immediately prays to God for forgiveness, pleading for mercy. This contradictory action suggests Howie's inner turmoil and the conflict between his beliefs and his desperation.

The Blind Witness

Throughout the film, the eponymous "wicker man" is not seen until the final moments. When Howie is finally brought to the sacrificial altar, he looks up to see the blind villagers surrounding him. This revelation highlights the irony of Howie's situation: he is being sacrificed by people who cannot see the true horror of their actions.

The Unseen Monster

As Howie's sacrifice is carried out, a figure creeps around a corner, unseen by everyone except the viewer. This unidentified figure may represent the unseen evil that lies at the heart of the island's cult. It serves as a reminder that the true horror of "The Wicker Man" lies not just in Howie's death but in the depravity of those who condemn him.

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